How to Properly Use a Body Scrub
When you hear the word “skincare”, you probably think of your face, right? Well, you should know that your body also deserves the same care and attention that you give to your face.

Just as you regularly exfoliate and moisturize your face, you should also do it for your body. This is the reason why you can find a lot of body products in the market. The most popular one is the body scrub.
There are a lot of benefits you can get if you use a body scrub. Unfortunately, you can only achieve these benefits if you know how to use them properly.
That’s why we’re here. Today, we’re going to share with you some tips on how to properly use a body scrub.
Cleanse and Prepare Your Skin
You should only use a body scrub once your skin is free of dirt and dust. Doing so will help the scrub properly do its work of cleansing your body.
First, you need to take a shower using lukewarm water. Before you use a body scrub, make sure you clean your skin first using a body wash or a soap.
The reason why you need to use lukewarm water is that it can help soften your skin and prepare it for exfoliation.
Apply the Body Scrub
After you prepare and cleanse your skin, the next thing you need to do is to apply the body scrub. When using the body scrub, make sure the water isn’t running. You don’t want to wash away the scrub before it can do its job.
All you need to do when applying the body scrub is to scrub onto your damp skin. Use circular and gentle motions when applying the body scrub.
Usually, body scrubs are made to be non-abrasive to your skin. However, you can still damage your skin if you scrub them too vigorously or hard.
It’s always a wise move to start from the end of your body and then make your way to your chest. Furthermore, pay close attention to problem areas such as knees and elbows.
After you are done applying the scrub, the next thing you’ll need to do is to rinse it off using lukewarm water. Pay close attention to getting rid of the scrub on your skin. This is particularly true in places where they can get stuck. Make sure you get rid of all of them to prevent skin irritation.
After rinsing, you’re not done yet. You also have to moisturize your skin. Keep in mind that you should not skip this step.
Exfoliating your skin can remove moisture. Thus, it is vital to moisturize your body after you use a body scrub. It’s also the ideal time since your skin can easily absorb the product you’ll apply. Thus, take this opportunity to pamper your skin with moisturizer.
If you don’t have a moisturizer, make sure you invest in one before you start exfoliating your skin. There are a lot of products out there for all various types of skin.
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